The Factory is located in the middle of the Seine River, on what appears to be an artificial island. A bridge connects it to the mainland. A manhole on the bridge leads to the Sewers below; typically, members of Team Lyoko come up through this after travelling through the sewers from Kadic. The Factory can also be reached by boat; Team Lyoko used a dinghy in Plagued when XANA blocked the bridge.
The building itself is occasionally used in XANA's schemes; he most often uses the Factory Floor to make things, or attack our heroes. For example, XANA used the machinery there to make a robot in the episodesThe Robots.
Factory Floor Plan
Above the ground floor is the upper level of the factory. This
consists of a
Franz Hopper's machinery is located below the main level, and is
normally accessed walkway bordering the inside of the building. The
upper level is where the bridge meets the factory, and hence where the
characters normally enter; to get down to the ground floor, they swing
down on cables.
by the lift, although an alternate route, which goes through the Boiler Room, exists.
The Lab is the first room below the surface, and is where Jeremie monitors Team Lyoko's progress in Lyoko.
Directly below the Lab is the Scanner Room, which can also be accessed by a hatch from the Lab.
The bottommost room is the Supercomputer Room, which contains the supercomputer. It is accessible using a hatch from the Scanner Room. Jim can fit inside this hatch, though we have never seen him go into the hatch.
Real Factory
Before it was demolished, the real factory was an elabrote maze
of steel, it contained many floors along with a basement and controle
room, there was a car assembly line, on the top story there was a
painting room, and it also contained machine shops and dormitories for
the workers. The factory was also equiped with four very large back-up
diesal generators (possibally made by the British company L. Gardner and
Sons Ltd. which ceased engine production in the mid 1990s.) and a tram
which ran along the roof.
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